Fassionola is in Color Proofing and Editing

September 21, 2023
01 Fassionola - The Passion of Farmer Cottee

Thank you all for your continued support in our journey!

Our book, Fassionola, is now in the process of final editing and color-proofing! Each spread of the book is printed out in high resolution and marked up for color correction and image touchup if needed. We are meeting next week to review the proofs, and then it’s time to send the final files to our printer, who is eagerly awaiting receipt.

We’ll be sending weekly updates from now on as the project progresses and as we have more definitive due dates.

In the meantime, have a gander at some chapter openers…

Mahalo, Gregorio & Martin.

P.S.— If you need to change your shipping address, please do so in Kickstarter or Shopify, depending on where your pre-ordered.

01 Fassionola - The Passion of Farmer Cottee

02 Fassionola - The Druggists Delight

03 Fassionola - By the Beautiful Sea

05 Fassionola - How About a Nice Hawaiian Punch

06 Fassionola - Donn, the Beachcomber recipes